Warranty Claim Name * Address* Email * Contact Number* Is your claim under warranty as per the paperwork? (As you know, unnecessary callout fee start from $150) Yes No What is the problem happening do you think/find ? Roof Leaking Production issue Inverter Showing Red alarm Physically on Inverter Red alarm on the mobile app Tripping off Error Code or describe the problem * Please Provide proof of sales aggrement paper work ( Attach PDF ) Attach File No Choosen File (Max 2 MB) Upload Inverter front screen 30 sec video during 11 AM to 3 PM sunny weather time so we can understand the production or problem Attach File No Choosen File (Max 2 MB) When did you captue the video ? Please mention the time below Once your application is approved you will get a confirmation email ticket. After confirmation ticket to fix the issue it may take 2-4 weeks depend on manufacturer- We just working on behalf of you. Submit